Friday, June 11, 2010

Communicator “14” Silverlight controls

Creating a Silverlight app with presence using the communicator “14”client, is really as easy as can be.

After installing the SDK in Visual Studio 2010 you get a new project type.
CaptureSL1 Then you can create a silverlight 3 or 4 application.
Capturesl2 Your newly created project has a sample page with all the controls.

The Controls

in the toolbar there is a new section with the available controls.
Everyone who has already seen the new Communicator “14” will see that the controls look really similar almost identical as the new Communicator ”14” Client


<controls:ContactCard Source="" />


CaptureSLContacts xaml
<controls:ContactsList Height="294" Width="600"/>

CustomContactsList and CustomContactsListitem

<controls:CustomContactsList Height="94" Width="297">
    <controls:CustomContactsListItem Source="" />
    <controls:CustomContactsListItem Source="" />


     Margin="10,0" />
     Text="{Binding DisplayName, ElementName=Presence}"


CaptureSLSearch xaml
 <controls:SearchInput x:Name="SearchTextbox" Width="500"/>




<controls:SearchResults Width="500" Height="200"
    ResultsSource="{Binding Results, ElementName=SearchTextbox}"
    ResultsState="{Binding SearchState, ElementName=SearchTextbox}" />



<controls:StartAudioConversation Source="" />



<controls:StartInstantMessagingConversation Source="" />

Hope this gives a good overview of the available silverlight controls. Next to these controls

Communicator “14” development

When starting to develop for Communicator client where do you start…

First you need to have the Communicator “14” client. Visual Studio 2010 with the tools for Silverlight and of course the Communicator “14” SDK.

Most developers who already want to start developing for the Communicator client don’t always have the possibility to setup a complete Communications server “14” environment.

So the big question is: can you use Communicator “14” with an existing OCS 2007 R2 environment?
Everyone who has tried and installed the client will say no, you can’t… It just doesn’t work. But this is only because the Communicator “14’" checks the server version!

But there is a way to disable the server check. This can be done with the following registry setting:


Then you can use Communicator “14” and the SDK without the specific need for Communications “14” server. Specific Communications server “14” functionality won’t be available. But you can use the Silverlight and WPF controls.

It’s time to start Blogging again

Finally I have some time to start blogging again. And the upcoming Communications Server “14” and the new Communicator “14” are great Topics to blog about.

For client side development a lot has been changed in a very positive way. With the new Silverlight controls and the WPF controls which are included in the new Communicator SDK.

Server Side development with UCMA 3.0 has also made progress making the life for developers easier.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Speech Server 2007 vs UCMA v2.0 WF activites

Michael Dunn wrote a really nice article about the differences between UCMA v2.0 and Speech Server 2007, you can find this artikel here

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Microsoft just released 5 new UC development sample's

Integrating Web Chat Functionality

- Microsoft Unified Communications AJAX API Sample

WPF Presence Controls for Microsoft Office Communicator 2007

- Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 SDK Sample

Dynamics CRM Integration

with Office Communications Server

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Activity

- Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 1.0 Sample

Communicator 2007 Custom Tabs

- Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Sample

Friday, September 5, 2008

Patrick passed away..

Although I didn’t knew Patrick in person, I always enjoyed watching him speak at conferences (really loved the dutch/belgian english accent he had:).

My deepest condolences  to Patrick’s family, friends and his colleagues at U2U..

Thursday, July 10, 2008

OCSDKWrapper Project on CodePlex

George Durzi wrote a really nice wrapper for the Office Communicator SDK. He also included a sample application to get you started.

The Office Communicator SDK is actually pretty easy to use, but some parts could have been easier. Especially cleaning up when the connection is lost. Monitoring the status of the connection. Connecting to communicator.

And exactly that functionality he addressed with this OCSDKWraper.

Please check out his blogpost: OCSDKWrapper Project on CodePlex

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Joachim just received the Microsoft MVP Award

I have to congratulate Joachim Farla for receiving the MVP award.


Getting/Setting presence protocols

About a month ago I downloaded all of the Microsoft Office Protocol Documents as a single zip file. I did the same today because I noticed that there were new version of these documents.

What really made me wonder was that it weren't the same number of documents. As I am especially interested in the sip protocols, I noticed that the protocols for getting presence weren't in there anymore.....[MS-SIP].

Turned out that they were moved to a different location.

For anyone who is interested:

Presence Protocols

Microsoft has just released a final version of their presence protocols (the one I used for presence subscription with UCMA).

For any one who is interested in a deeper understanding of presence, this document can give you more insight.

working at e-office