Friday, June 27, 2008

WPF Presence Screen saver

Based on the WPF Custom Screen Saver Art artikel by Erik Klimczak on coding4fun, a colleague of mine, Michiel van Oudheusden decided to extend this screen saver to show real presence.

Showing presence icons and the friendly name of the user. Next to this presence there is a kind of notification for incoming messages. The icon is going to blink.

The presence information is build with Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 SDK.

You can download the source code of this C# sample project code from codeplex.

More information here.

For running this sample you have to need Office Communicator 2007 installed. This code doesn't run on 64 bit machines.

There is one strange thing I encountered. The presence only changes if there is an other product running that is integrating with communicator (Outlook).

For more information you can contact or me

UC Development Samples

For all who want to start developing UC apps here are some new samples from Microsoft.

Incoming Call Screen Pop

Microsoft Unified Communications Client API 1.0 Sample Registers for incoming calls and pops up another app based on the caller ID info.

Presence in a Communications Web Client

Microsoft Unified Communications AJAX API Sample Shows how to use the UC AJAX Services API to put presence and IM into a web app.

Presence in Web Applications

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Automation API Sample Shows how to use the MOC automation API to show presence in web pages. Uses the name.ctrl that SharePoint uses as well as
the custom ActiveX presence control.

Presence in Managed Applications

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Automation API Sample
Uses the MOC automation API and two custom WinForms controls to show
presence in WinForms apps and launch collaboration sessions.

Presence in Rich Clients

Unified Communications 2007 AJAX Service Sample Shows how to use the UC AJAX Services to provide presence and IM in a rich client app.

Ethical Walls for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 API Sample Uses the OC Server API to show how to block sessions between specified users at the server level.

Custom Alerting

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 API Sample Uses a custom desktop client written using the UCC API and an alert sender written using the UCMA API to send alerts to users.

Group and Contact Management Using WMI

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 WMI API Sample Sample of using the WMI managment API for OCS to create and maintain contacts and contact groups for users.

Group and Contact Management Using Communicator Automation

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Automation API Sample Shows how to use the MOC automation API to manage users and groups on the client desktop.

Office Communicator 2007 Automation API Capabilities

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Automation API Sample Shows some of the more advanced features of the MOC automation API such as custom conversation logging and causing incoming session windows to get focus.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Creating a CWA client with Silverlight 2: Upgrading from the beta 1 to beta 2.

First things I did was uninstalling Blend 2.5 March preview and the Silverlight 2 beta 1 Visual Studio tools.

Then Installed the Blend 2.5 June Preview end the Silverlight 2 beta 2 SDK.

I opened my existing Silverlight 2 beta 1 project. Got the question to convert it, converted it and I could build my solution without a problem.

No problems till I first started to run the project. Got the statement that I had to Uninstall the beta 2 and reinstall the beta. This was an easy problem to solve. When you upgrade from silverlight 2 beta 1 to the beta 2 the silverlight project is upgraded. But what wasn't upgraded was the web page that is hosting your silverlight app. This is easy to fix . In your web application properties remove and add your silverlight application.


Now you can start your silverlight application.

Invalid cross-thread access

It looked as if everything was working, until I logged in. Then I got an Invalid cross-thread access error.

Hmm something really has changed. In de Microsoft® Silverlight™ 2 Software Development Kit Beta 2 Documentation which has to be downloaded separately there is a list breaking changes between Beta 1 and the Beta 2.

In this case the changes on the HttpWebRequest caused the error. All delegates on the HttpWebRequest are changed to return on a background thread. If you try to update your UI from a background threat you get this error.

The solution

It's quite easy to handle this problem. On all Silverlight Controlls there is a Dispatcher property. Use this property to update your UI

//DO your UI update


That were the only things that I had to do upgrading from the beta 1 to the beta 2.

What's coming up next on silverlight beta 2 and CWA. The Beta 2 has a new tabbed control. I had created one my self and I will have a look how easy it is to use this new control.

For more information


Friday, June 6, 2008

CWA Client with Silverlight 2 beta 2

I have been able to download Microsoft® Silverlight™ 2 Software Development Kit Beta 2 Documentation. And took a look at something what was really important for me in building a communicator web access with Silverlight 2.

The first thing I looked at was the support for Headers in the HttpWebResponse Class. And too bad it still isn't in there :-(.

For everybody asking why this is such a big deal. This would have made it possible to use silverlight HttpWebRequest/ HttpWebResponse and no need any more for the browsers / ActiveX XMLHttpRequest. So hosting Silverlight controls who access our CWA server still have to run on our CWA server :-( and we still have to develop our silverlight CWA client on a CWA server directly.

What is good is that Silverlight 2 beta 2 now has a tabbed control.

See also: Creating a CWA client with Silverlight 2 beta1 (part 1).

Please contact Marc Wetters @ or send me an email on . Enjoy and please feel free to give me your feedback.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

CWA Client with Silverlight 2 beta 1 Update

Silverlight 2 Beta 2 is nearly here (out at the end of this week).

As soon as I get my hands on the Silverlight 2 Beta 2. I will try and update my application. And will post my findings to see if things have changed for the better.

Main things that should have been changed is the improved cross-domain access and the tabbed control will be introduced.

See also:Envision: Silverlight 2 Beta 2 and the competition

For more information

Subscriptions using UCMA part 5: Enhanced Presence

This one is the real interesting one, how can you subscribe to enhanced presence. See also Subscriptions in UCMA part 3: Presence

The sample code here shows how to subscribe to one user. Actually this is a batch subscribe and is easy extensible for multiple users.

This one is much more complex then subscribing to presence using PIDF. The real thing here is enhanced presence. You can subscribe to multiple categories.

First let's create ISipSubscriptionProcessor again. We have to send a message and we have to set our signaling headers correct. This sample doesn't show how to handle the notification message.

public class PresenceSubscriptionEnhanced : ISipSubscriptionProcessor
private string _uri = "";
#region ISipSubscriptionProcessor Members

void ISipSubscriptionProcessor.GetExtensionHeaders(SipSubscription.RequestType requestType, out IEnumerable<SignalingHeader> extensionHeaders)

List<SignalingHeader> list = new List<SignalingHeader>();
list.Add(new SignalingHeader("Accept", "application/msrtc-event-categories+xml"));
list.Add(new SignalingHeader("Accept", "application/rlmi+xml"));
list.Add(new SignalingHeader("Accept", "multipart/related"));
list.Add(new SignalingHeader("Content-Type", "application/msrtc-adrl-categorylist+xml"));
list.Add(new SignalingHeader("supported", "eventlist"));
list.Add(new SignalingHeader("supported", "ms-piggyback-first-notify"));
list.Add(new SignalingHeader("Require", "adhoclist"));
list.Add(new SignalingHeader("Require", "categoryList"));
extensionHeaders = list;


void ISipSubscriptionProcessor.GetMessageBody(SipSubscription.RequestType requestType, out ContentType contentType, out byte[] messageBody)
contentType = new ContentType("application/msrtc-adrl-categorylist+xml");
string message = "<batchSub xmlns=\"\" uri=\"\" name=\"\"> <action name=\"subscribe\" id=\"63792024\"> <adhocList> <resource uri=\""+_uri+"\"/> </adhocList> <categoryList xmlns=\"\"> <category name=\"calendarData\"/> <category name=\"contactCard\"/> <category name=\"note\"/> <category name=\"services\"/> <category name=\"state\"/> </categoryList> </action> </batchSub>";
messageBody = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);


void ISipSubscriptionProcessor.ProcessErrorResponse(SipResponseData message)

public void ProcessNotification(SipMessageData message)
string s = message.GetMessageBodyString();


void ISipSubscriptionProcessor.SubscriptionStateChanged(SubscriptionStateChangedEventArgs eventArg)
public string Uri
get { return _uri;}
set { _uri = value; }


Let's subscribe.

public void SubscribePresence(string sip)
PresenceSubscriptionPIDF presenceSubscription = new PresenceSubscriptionPIDF();
presenceSubscription.Uri = sip;
SipEndpoint myEndpoint = _endPoint;
RealTimeAddress cgAddress = new RealTimeAddress(sip);
SipSubscription mySubScription = new SipSubscription(myEndpoint, cgAddress, "presence", presenceSubscription);
mySubScription.BeginSubscribe(BeginSubscribeCallback, mySubScription);
public void BeginSubscribeCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

SipSubscription mySubscription = asyncResult.AsyncState as SipSubscription;
catch (PublishSubscribeException)
//Error("An exception occurred when unregistering the session.\n{0}", endpoint.ToString());

catch (RealTimeException)
//Error("An exception occurred when unregistering the session.\n{0}", endpoint.ToString());

For more information/questions/remarks please contact me


Subscriptions in UCMA part 4: Presence (PIDF)

In this part I'll show you how to implement subscriptions using PIDF. See also Subscriptions in UCMA part 3: Presence.

First we need as with all subscriptions the ISipSubscriptionProcessor.

public class PresenceSubscriptionPIDF : ISipSubscriptionProcessor

#region ISipSubscriptionProcessor Members

void ISipSubscriptionProcessor.GetExtensionHeaders(SipSubscription.RequestType requestType, out IEnumerable<SignalingHeader> extensionHeaders)

extensionHeaders = null;

void ISipSubscriptionProcessor.GetMessageBody(SipSubscription.RequestType requestType, out ContentType contentType, out byte[] messageBody)
contentType = null;
messageBody = new Byte[0];


void ISipSubscriptionProcessor.ProcessErrorResponse(SipResponseData message)
Console.WriteLine("error = " + message.ResponseCode);

public void ProcessNotification(SipMessageData message)
string s = message.GetMessageBodyString();
string status = "online";
string sip = "";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager nsmanager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
nsmanager.AddNamespace("p", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf");
nsmanager.AddNamespace("ep", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:status:rpid-status");
nsmanager.AddNamespace("ci", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:cipid");
XmlNode node = null;
node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//p:presence", nsmanager);
sip = node.Attributes["entity"].Value;
node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//p:presence/p:tuple/p:status/p:basic", nsmanager);
if (node.InnerText == "closed")
status = "offline";
node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//ep:activities/ep:activity", nsmanager);
status = node.InnerText;


void ISipSubscriptionProcessor.SubscriptionStateChanged(SubscriptionStateChangedEventArgs eventArg)


Let's subscribe:

public void SubscribePresence(string sip)
PresenceSubscriptionPIDF presenceSubscription = new PresenceSubscriptionPIDF();
SipEndpoint myEndpoint = _endPoint;
RealTimeAddress cgAddress = new RealTimeAddress(sip);
SipSubscription mySubScription = new SipSubscription(myEndpoint, cgAddress, "presence", presenceSubscription);
mySubScription.BeginSubscribe(BeginSubscribeCallback, mySubScription);
public void BeginSubscribeCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

SipSubscription mySubscription = asyncResult.AsyncState as SipSubscription;

catch (PublishSubscribeException)
//Error("An exception occurred when unregistering the session.\n{0}", endpoint.ToString());

catch (RealTimeException)
//Error("An exception occurred when unregistering the session.\n{0}", endpoint.ToString());

For more information/questions/remarks please contact me

Subscriptions in UCMA part 3: Presence

This is the most interesting kind of subscription. There are actually 3 kinds of presence subscriptions with different kind of document formats:

  • PIDF(Content-Type: application:pidf+xml)
  • MSRTC(Content-Type: text/xml+mrstc.pidf)
  • Enhanced presence(Content-Type: application/msrtc-event-categories+xml)

Each of these having more functionality/Information. PIDF(Presence Information Document Format) is the easiest to implement using UCMA. Where enhanced presence is actually the way to go. The other 2 are there for backwards compatibility. OCS server supports all 3.

The next two parts will cover how to implement subscriptions using PIDF and Enhanced Presence.

For more information please contact me:

working at e-office