When starting to develop for Communicator client where do you start…
First you need to have the Communicator “14” client. Visual Studio 2010 with the tools for Silverlight and of course the Communicator “14” SDK.
Most developers who already want to start developing for the Communicator client don’t always have the possibility to setup a complete Communications server “14” environment.
So the big question is: can you use Communicator “14” with an existing OCS 2007 R2 environment?
Everyone who has tried and installed the client will say no, you can’t… It just doesn’t work. But this is only because the Communicator “14’" checks the server version!
But there is a way to disable the server check. This can be done with the following registry setting:
Then you can use Communicator “14” and the SDK without the specific need for Communications “14” server. Specific Communications server “14” functionality won’t be available. But you can use the Silverlight and WPF controls.
would you please post a link for downloading the 14 SDK?
I have the same request. Could you provide link to download Communicator 14 SDK? I cannot seem ti find it. Thanks!
For creating a Silverlight chat application I can recommend the Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK. For sample source codes check this: www.voip-sip-sdk.com/p_257-silverlight-video-chat-example-voip.html
The support team is also responsive so you can make your project even faster with the help of them.
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